Michigan politics could change for the better with an independent redistricting commission. (Photo: Mike Thompson/Detroit Free Press)
"Can we just get along?" Rodney King asked famously after his videotaped beating sparked rioting in his native Los Angeles. Eighteen years later, King is long dead, and the prospects for detente among America's warring political factions seem bleaker than ever.
Polls and focus groups hint at broad areas of agreement on health care, climate change and even immigration, but that common ground remains elusive in our political institutions. The roster of leaders who command respect on both sides of the partisan divide seems to dwindle with each passing day.
Yet in Michigan, there is reason to hope that divide will soon be a less formidable obstacle to collaboration. This hope lies not in any party or politician, but in the map an as-yet-unidentified group of Michigan citizens will draw when the results of the federal census that got underway last month become known.
Michigan and other states reconfigure their political boundaries every 10 years to make sure their congressional and legislative districts encompass roughly the same number of residents. Federal law mandates that the dimensions of those districts â" and, in the case of Congress, the number of U.S. House seats awarded to each state â" must be adjusted again next year to reflect population changes revealed by 2020 census.
In previous census years, whichever party found itself in control of the Legislature exploited its map-making monopoly to maximize its own political advantage. In 2010, using state-of-the-art computer simulations capable of testing thousands of boundary arrangements, Michigan's GOP majority adopted a redistricting scheme that guaranteed their party legislative and/or congressional majorities in the next four election cycles, even when Democratic candidates garnered a larger share of the state's popular vote.
Then, in 2018, Michigan voters responded by adopting Proposal 2, a ballot initiative establishing the state's first Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission.Â
The commission's 13 inaugural members won't named until later this year, and the new playing field they create won't debut until 2022. But experience suggests a political map drafted by citizens operating in the open, and expressly forbidden to favor any party or incumbent, will result in more competitive elections, less partisan polarization, and more responsive representation in Lansing and Washington.
The strongest evidence comes from California, whose voters wrested control of the redistricting process from their own state Legislature in 2008, two years before the 2010 Census.Â
More: 8 lessons for Michigan from California's redistricting commission
Reinvigorating democracyThis past week, four of the California Redistricting Commission's 14Â members visited the Free Press to share the lessons of their pioneering odyssey, and assess its impact on democracy in the nation's most populous and diverse state.
With a population likely to exceed 40 million this year and a congressional delegation more than three times the size of Michigan's, California's political challenges at first bear little resemblance to Michigan's.
But the frustrations that prompted California voters to rebel against their state's entrenched incumbents in 2008 were strikingly similar to the ones Michigan voters expressed 10 years later.
Eric McGhee has spent the last decade studying voter behavior as a senior fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California. To appreciate how dramatically California changed after the independent citizens commission took control in 2010, McGhee says, you have to understand how broken the state's old redistricting process was.
"The old system was designed to protect incumbent lawmakers, and it really didn't pretend to serve anyone else's interest," McGhee recalled in a phone conversation last week. After the 2000 Census â" the last time California's Legislature controlled the redistricting process â" the Democratic majority struck a bargain in which the Republican minority agreed to a map that all but guaranteed re-election for congressional incumbents in both parties: 33 Democrats and 20 Republicans. In the decade that followed, only one of the state's 53 seats in the U.S. House changed hands, notwithstanding seismic changes in the state's demographic composition and partisan affiliation.Â
Scaredy-catsThe first map produced by the California Citizens Redistricting Commission â" a group composed of five Democrats, five Republicans, and four voters affiliated with neither major party â" dramatically ended that cozy arrangement.
The new boundaries placed 27 incumbents in fewer than half as many districts and created 14 new congressional seats where no incumbent resided. In 2012, the first contest held on California's reconfigured playing field, a fifth of California's congressional incumbents decided to retire rather than face competitive re-election contests.
As the redistricting commissioners who visited us described it, the transformation of California's political map emerged organically from their efforts to erase distortions whose only purpose had been to make districts safer for specific incumbents, often by diluting the voting power of new California voters whose parents emigrated from Latin America and Asia.
Explains Cynthia Dai, a second-generation Asian entrepreneur who serves as one of the California commission's five Democratic members: "We had to undo 20 years of gerrymandering."
A new worldCalifornia's 2012 elections yielded lots of new faces, and a dramatically more diverse congressional and legislative roster. Female, Asian and Hispanic candidates all made impressive gains as demographic changes documented in previous census counts were at last reflected in the state's representative bodies.
The partisan composition of those bodies, interestingly, remained relatively stable. Democrats, who had enjoyed a 34-19 majority in California's congressional delegation throughout the previous decade, picked up just 4 seats in 2012, and just one more over the next two election cycles.
But in the Legislature, especially, the increase in the number of competitive districts â" that is, districts in which both major parties' candidates had a fighting chance â" worked to the advantage of moderate candidates in both parties, yielding Democratic and Republican caucuses more disposed to find common ground.Â
The more conciliatory political climate has yielded higher approval ratings from voters. In a January 2020 survey by the Public Policy Institute, 47% of Californians expressed approval of the way the state Legislature is doing its job, compared with 40% who disapproved.
"In general, they [state lawmakers] are very responsive to changing political dynamics," Bill Carrick, a veteran political consultant in Los Angeles told me last week. "They are addressing the salient issues, and the voters see that."
Investors also seem relieved at the loosening of partisan gridlock. In a recent analysis published by USA Today, California's overall business climate was rated 15th among the 50 states. Michigan, with a more pro-business tax code and lower cost of living, ranked only 23rd in the same survey.
Penalizing extremismThe practical necessity of effective collaboration across partisan and ideological lines has always been the strongest argument against Michigan's previous redistricting process, which has enabled entrenched Michigan incumbents to secure "safe" seats for both parties.
Candidates who don't have to worry about the opposing party's voters usually end up pandering to their own party's most rabid partisans, who exercise disproportionate influence in lightly-attended party primaries. In competitive districts, by contrast, independent voters are more likely to act as tie-breakers â" a circumstance that favors moderates in both parties.
Independent redistricting commissions like California's, which is specifically prohibited from tailoring districts to the political advantage of any party or candidate, tend to draw political maps that reward moderates on both sides. Californians, moreover, have amplified that effect with another innovation: The top-two primary, in which all candidates compete in the same primary election to become one of the top two finishers who will face off in the November general, even if they belong to the same party.
The object of the top-two primary is to encourage competitive general elections even in political enclaves districts that lean lopsidedly Democratic (think Detroit) or Republican (think conservative western Michigan). Like contests in closely divided districts, a general election run-off between two candidates from the same party typically favors the one who appeals to the most diverse group of voters.
This is another reform worth serious consideration here. Consider the impact on Michigan's political landscape if Democrats in Detroit or Republicans in suburban Kent County had to go one-on-one with rivals from their own party in November, instead of waltzing to victory in one-sided contests against sacrificial lambs from the rival party.
Even without top-two primaries, California's experience suggests that Michigan's adoption of a similar redistricting process is likely to discourage polarization, and favor candidates who seek areas of consensus where lawmakers from both parties can collaborate constructively. That's why Michigan voters should hope federal appellate judges quickly dispose of desperate legal appeals launched by Republicans hoping to derail the reforms voters overwhelmingly adopted.
Even if we are not naturally disposed to get along with one another, we should welcome a new redistricting process that makes bipartisanship more likely and rewards even baby steps toward conciliation and compromise.
Brian Dickerson is the editorial page editor of the Free Press. Contact him at bdickerson@freepress.com.
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