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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is likely getting its Warzone battle royale mode in the next few weeks, and, with all the leaks happening over the past several days, it may be difficult to keep track of the major developments. With that in mind, here's a recap of everything we know about Warzone's release, its map, features and more.

When is Warzone battle royale expected to release in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare?

According to development sources cited by VGC News, and corroborated by trusted industry insider Daniel Ahmad, Warzone is expected to debut in Modern Warfare in early March, possibly as soon as March 10. Since the release date hasn't been officially announced, however, it's subject to change based on the needs of development.

Everything else we know about Warzone

The story of Warzone battle royale coming to Modern Warfare begins in November, when dataminers scoured the game's latest update files to find many hidden references to "BR." Chief among them was this map, as well as a list of possible zones and points of interest featured in the concept image. Given that several months separate this leak and the mode's suspected March arrival, it's possible these details may have changed. That being said, it's the best map preview available so far.


  • Airfield
  • Boneyard
  • Dam
  • Downtown
  • Gulag
  • Hospital
  • Layover
  • Lumber
  • Overgrown
  • Port
  • Quarry
  • Storage Town
  • Supercenter
  • Trainyard
  • TV Station
  • Points of Interest

  • Bank
  • Fire Station
  • Gas Station
  • Gun Store
  • Pharmacy
  • Police Station
  • The November leak also proved to be a treasure trove for other alleged details about the mode. There are lots of unreleased concepts here, so some of them may not make it to Warzone at launch or at all.

  • Player Count: 200 [This has also been corroborated by more recent leaks.]
  • Queues: Solos, Duos, Squads. [Data for a Trios mode was found more recently.]
  • Rarity Colors: White, Green, Blue, Purple and Gold
  • Jump Master & Loadout Bags: Before a match, players can fill their Loadout Bag with equipment they would like to see after dropping. If the player drops alongside their Jump Master, that loot will be likely to appear. The Jump Master can be ignored at will, but players forfeit their Loadout Loot.
  • Missions: Players have missions based on tasks like timed challenges, killing specific players, looking for Scavenger Crates or capturing points on the map.
  • Infiltration Options: Like the C-130 plane.
  • Plunder: Earn Plunder by completing mission objectives or killing enemies. Game-changing items can be purchased at Plunder Box locations. There is a Plunder Bank with a minimum deposit number. When a player enters a bank, all enemies are alerted to their presence.
  • Gulag: Players can collect Respawn Tokens and bring teammates back by dragging their body to an Ambulance. When this happens, the Gulag starts. When enabled, players can respawn into a match by winning a 1v1. Plunder can be wagered on these 1v1s. The Gulag closes after a certain time.
  • Scorestreaks and Perks: Both are in Warzone. Here's a list of datamined Perks
  • High Alert: Grants vision when an enemy looks at you from outside of your FoV.
  • Spotter: Enemy equipment within a small radius is visible and highlighted to you, even through walls.
  • Tracker: Enemies leave footprints as they move, and increased crouch movement speed.
  • Stalker: Faster movement while aiming down sight.
  • Marksman: Allows you to identify enemies from farther away by showing their names at a greater distance.
  • Sleight of Hand: Reload your weapons 50% faster than normal.
  • Armorer: You use armor plates 20% faster, and they supply 10% more armor.
  • Artisan Tastes: Weapons you pick up have a chance to automatically upgrade.
  • Deep Pockets: Any usable equipment you pick up has an extra use.
  • Grenadier: Any throwable equipment you pick up has an extra use.
  • Healer: Your medic items continue to heal for an additional 25% of their value over the next 20 seconds.
  • Thief: When you Harvest, generate 20% more plunder.
  • Ammo Scavenger: Enemies you kill always drop some ammunition.
  • Armor Scavenger: Enemies you kill always drop some armor plates.
  • Medic Scavenger: Enemies you kill always drop some medic items.
  • Plunder Scavenger: Enemies you kill always drop some Plunder.
  • Bounty Hunter: If you kill someone with more Perks than you, gain enough points to match them, and then you can replace this perk.
  • Ghost: You are invisible to drones and sensors.
  • Sneaky: Your Footsteps are invisible, and enemies are not warned when you track them.
  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal: Explosive Resistance, and you can capture enemy claymores and mines.
  • Armor: Has three levels with decreased damage per tier.
  • Private Matches: With various customization options for items, Scorestreaks and more.
  • Other Items: Supply Crates, Gas Mask, Vest, Helmet, Bandages, Ammo, Backpacks, Portable Defibrillator, Fullton device.
  • While a lot came from that November leak, players wouldn't hear mention of Warzone again until the launch of Modern Warfare Season 2 in early February. Alongside the new Battle Pass, the game now features a Classified Mode, which many speculated had something to do with the large-lobby affair. That much was teased in the new Season 2 cinematic, which features mentions of "gas closing in," while a circular gas cloud envelops the area as four soldiers drop from a plane.

    With that vision in mind, it wasn't long before assets and footage started appearing online regarding the arrival of battle royale in Modern Warfare. Activision has been quick to take down most of the video footage over the past few days, but here's what screenshots tell us.

  • Supply Station PoI confirmed.
  • In-map Supply Stations include: Gas Mask, Precision Airstrike, Shield Turret, Counter Strike, UAV, Munitions Box and Drop Kit Marker.
  • Vehicles include ATV, SUV, Helicopters, Cargo Trucks and a Tec Rover.
  • There's a training mode that can be replayed at any time.
  • It's suspected that high-profile YouTubers have been brought in to test the mode in recent days. With that in mind it's likely we'll learn more about Warzone leading up to its release, but this is all we know for now.

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available now on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

    What are your thoughts on Warzone battle royale coming to Modern Warfare? Will most of these leaks turn out to be accurate? Tell us in the comments section!