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Hey there Thursday.

Well, life lately has been a little shorthanded.  Andrew was in South Africa for 10 days, but he's home now!  Woohoo!  Insert all of the excited emojis here!  We missed him big time and were super pumped when he arrived home yesterday :).  

So, here's a little look at life lately: solo parenting edition...

Last year, I planned swim lessons while Andrew was gone and it worked out so well that I did it again this year too.  Here are my three on their last day of swim.  Medals, check.  Suckers, check. Another year of swim down, check, check!  I picked them up from school, we drove straight to swim lessons, and then we came home and had a leisurely evening. 

 I put this pic on Instagram...a sweet six year old boy fell asleep holding my hand in my bed next to me while we watched the Sox play.  I wanted to freeze time right there.

Napkin rings or binoculars?  When you're at Pottery Barn, they can be either.

 On Saturday, we celebrated our sweet friend Manda (in the middle) with a Matilda Jane fundraiser for her and her family.  As many of you know, Manda is currently fighting cancer for the third time.  We love this friend of ours so much and we absolutely hate that she is going through this.  She's a mama to two small kiddos and we want more than anything for her to be healed.  We know (and Manda will be the first to tell you) that healing for her is coming...whether on this side of Glory or the other, she will be healed.  We're praying hard that we get to see it on this side, but we are confident in the Lord's will for her life and the lives of her kiddos and husband.  Life is hard sometimes.  Sometimes, it just doesn't make sense.  Thank goodness for the love and grace that comes from Jesus.

  Please continue to pray for Manda and her family.

Saturday night, we celebrated Catherine turning the big 3-0!  The only one missing from our fun night was Andrew (insert sad face here).  We had the best time honoring our birthday girl!

Hey there May 1.  I'm so happy you're here.  My view for the afternoon.  Ebby Lee was over and the three girls swam all day.

 It's starting to taste like summer!

After our time in the pool, we needed to walk Poppy.  Sweet Ebby Lee doesn't have a dog (yet), so she asked if she could walk her.  She was so proud!  After I took this picture, I realized that: a. she was doing a great job and b. her dress was on backwards ;).

These two.  I mean to tell you.  These. Two.  They are always all over each other.

Walked into the kitchen and found a teenager doing yoga.  Okay, I really found a 7 year old doing it...but she looked like a teen.  I love that she loves doing things to make her healthy and strong.

Smith found a Christmas craft in our craft drawer.  He made me a Santa Claus.  Whatever keeps them happy ;).

So, that's a little life lately over here!

Don't forget, today is your last day to enter to win my $500 Nordstrom Gift Card Giveaway!  Details here.

And if you're following along with this...

...you can see it here today.

And one more thing!  Oh girls, girls, girls...

...my Honey Pecan Chicken Thighs will blow your mind.  

Blow. It.  

(And yes, you can use chicken breasts if you prefer!).  See the recipe here.