
Billboard Ads

This site is one of the best sites to make profit from the internet, and is used and supported by many.Shorten any link like a video, webpage or other, then publish it to sites ,social networking and other .. then the site will display ads for 5 secinds, then it will take the person who clicked it to the page. You will make an earning from this, about 4$ for every 1000 clicks. And you will be paid via Paypal or Visacard. Maximum of 5$ everytime you want to withdraw your money


Firstly, go to this website ( Click Here ) , Then

 Click Join

Then fill the following form : 

You will then receive a verification email. Go to your email and click on the verification email to verify your account.

After shorting a link, share it, and you shall receive 4$ for every 1000 clicks on the link.