Have you seen the lovely sea life soldered onto bottles?
These are from Greyfreth. Click on the link to see more of her work.
In an attempt to copy that soldered bottle look for a
St. Patrick's Day display, I experimented with some normal craft
supplies that do not require the special materials and tools that
real soldering requires. Of course, real soldering looks better.
Because I don't want these green bottles to forever be
St. Patrick's Day bottles with a shamrock on top, I was
attempting to get the soldered look without actually going over
the lip of the bottle and really sealing the stopper on there.
For a topper, simple card stock punch outs were first given a
coat of Aleene's tacky glue and allowed to dry.
This step gave the paper more strength and substance.
The shamrocks were then glued onto a piece of floral wire
that had been stuck into a painted cork
(or in some bottles rolled up paper) bottle stopper.
Extra Tacky Glue was added to the stopper in hopes that would
be enough to make it look soldered when it dried...it did not...
...even after painting the dried glue a similar color to what real
soldering looks like after the patina liquid has been applied.
The shamrocks were also painted with the same dark brown
and almost black acrylic paints to try to mimick metal.
Since just painting the corks was not enough and adding
bottled glue was not enough to get "the look", I tried some
sealing wax I had left over from a past wedding project.
Ummm...that just looks like a candle in top of the bottle now.
Even after painting the sealing wax, it still looked like a
candle but now it is a black/brown candle.
Next, I tried globbing hot glue around the cork but trying not to
get too much on the bottle ('cause I want to be able to take
these toppers off after March 17th).
The hot glue technique worked much better than the bottled
glue or the sealing wax because I could turn to bottle sideways
while the hot glue cooled (which is just a few seconds) and control
how "drippy" the glue looked on the cork. If you try the hot
glue method and don't mind if the topper is sealed on the
bottle, come on down the neck of the bottle a little more
with the glue to get the look of real soldering.
Because the cork was already painted, it was easy to paint
the dried hot glue to match...I recommend that.
So, my imitation soldered bottles are as good as I have time
for right now....you won't be able to tell the difference "from
a galloping horse". That's a phrase my mother passed along to
us from her great aunt who used to say, "It'll never be seen
from a galloping horse", meaning that even if something
wasn't perfect, it was good enough.
Even though these green bottles are not expensive (most were
$2 or less from Hobby Lobby and Jo Ann's...the bigger ones
$4-5) I will be on the lookout for bottles I wouldn't mind
sealing up to get more of the real soldered look in the future.
I'm sharing this post over at
Dishing It and Digging It @ The Stonybrook House
I'm sharing this post over at
Dishing It and Digging It @ The Stonybrook House