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A very inexpensive container for a candy bouquet is a
decorative bag. Just think of all the pretty, fun, cute bags
out there that would be perfect to give a ready-made 
theme for your candy bouquet.
The bags in this post are Valentine-related but "think outside the bag" for other occasions. 

Other items you will need to make a candy bouquet in 
a bag are candy, wooden skewers, clear tape and foam. 

Sometimes the foam can be the most expensive part 
of the bouquet! Look at Dollar Tree for foam on the 
floral aisle or fill the bags with spray insulation foam. 
All of the above-pictured foam came from Dollar Tree. 

Cut the foam to fit as snug in the bag as possible. 

If you are making lots of candy bouquets in bags, you 
might want to consider spray insulation foam to fill the bags.
It can be tricky but it is inexpensive. Here is a link 
about using spray foam...
"Using Spray Foam In Candy Bouquets".
These bags were filled with spray insulation foam. Two are painted, one is not. 

The most successful candy bouquets in bags that I made
were on the small side. These are great for birthday parties,
 seasonal gifts for co-workers, party favors, etc. because 
they are greatly appreciated but inexpensive to make. 

Smaller bags need smaller candies so they won't be 
top-heavy and tip over. Miniature candy bars in bags are
really good for these smaller bags. 

You can use smaller skewers to support the smaller candy.
If you want to hide the skewers, you can pull the flap up
on the back of the candy bar (if it has one) and tape the
skewer along the fold. 

Then pull the flap over the skewer and tape it down again,
hiding the skewer. 

These lightweight boxes of candy worked well in the bags also.
They don't have flaps on the back so just tape the skewer
down securely on the box. On larger candy, you can use
clear packing tape if you would like. 

When you are pushing the skewered candy into the foam,
push on the skewer and not the candy. The candy might
pop off of the skewer. 

Keep the larger items towards the center of the foam to
help balance it weight-wise. 

The red kraft paper bags looked a little too plain so I 
embellished them with stickers from the Dollar Tree. 
Some of the sticker hearts also got "skewered" and added to the candy mix.

An optional item to add to your candy bouquet in a bag
is to top it off with crinkled basket filler or colored
Easter grass for fun. 
These bags were a pack of three for $1 at Wal Mart. 

Small wrapped chocolates were taped onto long toothpicks to be added to this bouquet. 

These bags were also 3/$1 at WalMart. They were a little 
smaller but already had a cute design on them. 

All the candy bouquets in bags shown above only
cost about $3 each (or less). 

I saw a bag that had a great design on it that I also wanted
to try a candy bouquet in...it was only $1 and was bigger.

It took quite a bit of foam to fill it up. Also it was a bit
top-heavy but it was a lot of bang for the buck.
I filled it with spray insulation foam.

After the foam cured completely, I painted the foam to make
it blend in with the color scheme...that is optional.

I was making this for my daddy. He loves Hershey bars.
I taped ten Hershey bars onto larger wooden skewers.
I did use the "hide the skewer" technique...
pull flap on back of candy up,
place skewer along fold,
tape it down with clear tape...

...pull flap over skewer,
tape down the flap.

Push the skewered candy into the foam spacing them as
evenly as possible to distribute the weight. 

Push on the skewer and not the candy. 

If you want to hide the foam and/or add some volume
you can add basket filler or paper "fluffs".

An inexpensive "fluff" is to cut a napkin or tissue paper into
a square. Pinch the center of the paper square into a "stem".
"Fluff" the rest of the paper upwards like a flower. 
Tape the stem. Insert the paper fluff between the candy. 

For the large Hershey bar candy bouquet, the costs were 
about $15 ($1 bag, $3 foam, $10 candy, $1 skewers).

If you would like to see more ideas for adding fun fillers
on the tops of your candy bouquets in bags, see this page
"Decorative Fillers For Candy Bouquets".

Keep your eyes open for fun and inexpensive paper
bags to make your candy bouquets in. 
I promise EVERYONE loves to receive them. 

For more ideas on Candy Bouquets you click on 
" Make Candy Bouquets In Lots of Ways".