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It's life lately around here.

Today is the last day of school.  I can hardly believe how quickly this year flew by!  It just seems like yesterday that I was nervous about Kensington going to kindergarten and now...she's completed first grade and Smith has completed kinder.  This has been a great year for both kiddos and even though I'm thrilled that it's over and summer is here...I'm a little sad too because it's just another reminder about how fast time flies.

Here's a little look into what we've been up to lately...

 Ashby's last day of school was last week.  Look at the difference between her first and last days.  She's growing so much!

 We celebrated Manda's birthday on Thursday night in style!  Limo, friends, dinner and a new baby to boot.  We had the BEST time honoring our friend on her special day!

 Thank you so much to all of you who have been praying for Manda.  Please keep it up!  Like my dad always says, God is still in the business of miracles, so we must keep the faith.  Prayers are very much appreciated.

Jeni was supposed to have been at dinner with us...but she had a baby boy instead :).  After dinner, we had the limo swing by the hospital so that we could all meet Hayes in person.  This was my favorite part of the night!

And then the next day, my kiddos had the day off from school.  Woohoo for four day weekends!

We slept in late and then met Erika and her kids at the pool.  Andrew and Tab showed up that afternoon too.  Such a fun time!  I love Smith's face here.

There goes Ashby! She has zero fear.  Of anything.

And Nixon's cannonball was spectacular!

On Saturday morning, we slept late again (yes!) and then made two recipes for my blog.

After that, we spent the day swimming in our backyard!

They made me "perfume" out of empty bottles, pool water and flowers.

On Sunday afternoon, we headed to my mom's house after church...for more swimming!  Ashby jumping in for the raft...

...and landing on it!

Uncle Seanie with Ashby, Kensington and Paisley.

 The four Lowe grandkids ;).

On Monday morning, Andrew and Smith played Monopoly for hours.  I so dislike Monopoly but these two love it!

And then we swam some more.  #weekendtheme

Smith's face made me laugh out loud!

Just a girl and her worm.  

After all of that swimming, it's easy to fall asleep in her your daddy's arms.

First grade had Aloha, First Grade on Tuesday.  I love volunteering for stuff like this because it means that I get to spend the day with my girl!  Here she is in her grass skirt ;).

And here we are again at the popsicle station.  Such a fun way to end first grade!

And then yesterday, we had kindergarten's Splash Day.  Love spending time with this boy too!

Whew!  That's life lately.  Now, I'm off...to celebrate kindergarten graduation.  Somebody hand me a tissue.

And on my foodie blog today, I'm sharing my favorite summer desserts...

...because it's patio season friends.  Invite your friends over, fire up the grill, cut open a watermelon and offer one of these tasty treats.

See them all here.

Happy Thursday!