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Happy Friday friends!

We have a BIG weekend ahead.  Big, huge, gigantic...I already need a nap ;).  It's going to be fun, it's going to be celebratory and it's going to be special...so it's big in all the best ways.  If you're a mama out there, I hope you have a special weekend planned too.  I always want to say that I'm praying this morning for my friends out there who don't have their mamas to celebrate with any more. I know this weekend is bittersweet for them and if that's you too...I'm praying for you.  Happy Mother's Day weekend everyone. xo

(And psssst: as always, I'm linking up with three of my favorite mamas: Andrea, Erika and Narci!)

Okay, I'm going to start random.

I watched this movie this week while I worked...

...and thought it was so cute!  Now, I know that it's six years old and most of you have probably already seen it.  In my defense, it apparently came out on January 8, 2010 and I had a baby 8 days later...so, that's probably why I missed it in theaters.  All of that to say, it's on Netflix and I enjoyed listening to it while I worked.  Any other movies on Netflix right now that are similar to this one that I might like? I'm taking suggestions please for this and/or series I should be watching :).

I have been super pumped doing this Every Day in May with you this week! (You can read the post about it here.)  So, it's all about doing something good for yourself every day in May.  Some ideas might even stick around and become regular habits.  Here's what we've done so far:

May 1: No caffeine for the day
May 2: Write down three things you're grateful for at the end of the day
May 3: Read instead of watch TV that night
May 4: Call & schedule whatever doctor appointment you need to go to (skin check, OB annual, mammogram, dentist appointment, etc)
May 5: Drink 6 to 8 (8 oz) glasses of water 
May 6: Pay it forward to someone today (maybe buy their drink at Starbucks or even just hold open the door...just pay it forward however you can)

So, that's this week.  You can keep up every day by clicking here.

A few quick things to note:

On May 1, I didn't drink any coffee which was probably a first for me in about 15 years.  What I learned was:
 1. Surprisingly, I didn't have a headache or anything (I just knew my body would go into withdrawals and/or shock and that I would need hospitalization ;)...) 
2. I enjoy my morning coffee immensely because it makes me cozy and just happy for the day
 3. That being said, I do not need that afternoon cup like I thought I did.  Since May 1st, I have not had an afternoon cup of coffee. What? I'm shocked myself.  I'm not saying I'm giving up afternoon coffee forever...but I definitely don't need it daily like I once thought.

On May 2, I suggested we write down things we are grateful for each day.  If you haven't read this post here about how I wrote down 5 things I'm grateful for every day for 13 years, then you should.  This little habit of mine changed my life.

Did you see my Apple Watch review this week?  I was really surprised by the feedback I received. I had no idea so many of you had questions about the watch/didn't know how the watch worked/were curious about the watch.  If you missed it, see it here.

So, on Monday, I was doing the mom life thing with these two...

...one is mine, one is not...I'll take them both though :) 

And we took some pictures...

...how cute are these two?!  I love them so much!  Speaking of things I love, a crossbody bag on a busy day just makes my heart happy.  Free hands for holding drinks and holding little hands.  I am diggin' mine here a lot!  The brown is sold out (boo!) but it comes in ivory too.  Since it's sold out in brown, here are some other brown crossbody bags that are very similar...

If you haven't gotten your mama a Mother's Day gift yet...I'm going to suggest a tote or crossbody bag.  I don't know about you...but I just can't have too many of either.

And psssst: that shirt I'm wearing is one of those Lush shirts that I just ADORE!  They don't wrinkle friends.  Which to a mom...that's gold.  They come in 7 colors and even though I have two of the seven, I'm tempted to get the other five :).  And another psssst: I'm wearing my favorite cami underneath it and my Wellies because...it had been raining all morning!

And speaking of Mother's Day...

...the winner of our $500 Nordstrom Gift Card Giveaway is...


Congratulations Chelsea!!!

You have one $500 worth of Nordstrom gift cards!!  I emailed you this morning, so email me back to claim your prize.

Thank you so much Nordstrom for making this giveaway possible!!  We love you :).

And random...but several of you asked me about my nail polish in this pic (I love a girl who loves polish!) and the answer is Essie's Wicked :).

And finally...if you need a quick and easy Mother's Day recipe for this weekend...

...my Strawberry Shortcake Cheesecake is what you should make.  Your mama will be in love with this dessert (and she'll never know how easy it was for you to make!).

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mamas out there!  I hope you have THE BEST weekend!  Lots of love from this mama to you!
