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It's an extra special Friday Favorites because it's a giveaway day!


As always, I'm linking up with Andrea, Narci and Erika and sharing my favorite things from this week...and one just happens to be a Mother's Day giveaway.  Get to reading friends!

Don't forget if you're local, come support Manda and her family tomorrow at a Matilda Jane event.  This is being held at a kids' play area, so you can totally bring your littles with you.  Kensington, Ashby and I will be there checking out the new Matilda Jane stuff because 40% of our total purchase will go straight to Manda (our precious friend with cancer).  I hope to see many of you there!  

So, this is the second time around that I've named these a favorite...but I feel like they deserve a mention yet again today...


We have had swim lessons every day after school this week, so I have been bringing my kids their Snackeaze filled with water and a snack for the car.  One cup holds both a drink and snack.  

Freaking genius.  

My mom bought my kiddos these at Target and we seriously use them all the time.  I even use them when I'm out and about and know I'll need a snack.  Love, love, love.  

Speaking of my mom...

...in honor of Mother's Day today, I'm kicking off a giveaway with Nordstrom to celebrate mamas!  You can enter to win today a $300 Nordstrom gift card to give to your favorite mama.  This doesn't have to be your actual mom...just your favorite mom (maybe an aunt, your sister, your grandma, your daughter...just a mom).  Enter to win at the bottom of my blog post today.  The winner will be announced next Friday.  Thank you so much to Nordstrom for making this giveaway possible!

And speaking of Nordstrom and mamas...I rounded up some of my favorite skin care (and scent!) products that your favorite mom might like this Mother's Day.  

Things to note: 
1. I did not mention wrinkle cream because no woman wants wrinkle cream gifted to her :).  My friend Farah gave her mom wrinkle cream as a gift one time when we were in high school and her mom was so mad.  #justsayin' #irememberitclearly #nogood
2. I did mention sunless tanner because my own mother will love that as a gift so your mama might too!
3. I'm going to try and share only Mother's Day gift ideas that are not size related...because guessing on sizes really blows...so let's just avoid that altogether.

Here are some of my personal favorite beauty products from Nordstrom...all of which I've bought multiple times over the years because they're just darn perfect...

#1 & #2
My two favorite scents are Burberry Brit and Viktor & Rolf's Flowerbomb.  I've been wearing them both for years and years and in my opinion, neither can be topped.  Don't believe me?  Read both of their reviews online...people love these two fragrances!

I've shared my love for this lip scrub a million times, but it's just the perfect little bit of whimsy meets necessity.  Dry flaky lips have no chance against the tiniest amount of this Sara Happ scrub.  This is my fourth bottle in about as many years to buy (I can get a bottle to last about a year).  Rub it on, wipe it off, and your lips and flake-free.  Bonus, it comes in amazing scents!  I've purchased this Vanilla Bean, Peppermint, Grapefruit and Creme Brulee before.  All fantastic!

Speaking of scrubs...my favorite face scrub is Bobbi Brown's Radiance Boost Mask (it smells like orange peel).  A little drop of this on your face and you're good to go!  About twice a week, I'll rub it in and then wipe it off...my face feels so nice and smooth after this!  And then you guys know how much I love my Moisture Surge Overnight Mask.  Thanks to your recommendations, I bought some this winter and it completely revitalized my skin.  The results were actually quite shocking.  The first morning I woke up after using it, I could instantly feel that my face was more hydrated.  This was one of the best tips I've ever received from you ladies!  And then, everyone is talking about Glam Glow...so I tried their firming mask (warning: comical and scary picture ahead)...

...hahaha!  I wanted you to see how the mask is silver.  I was totally intrigued by this stuff!  It goes on silver and then dries completely before you peel it off.  It smells insanely delicious and left my skin more firm and feeling fantastic.  It's like totally silver though and that kind of freaked me out at first...now that I've used it four or five times, I'm obsessed.  I'm using their Gravity Mud Firming Treatment.

And then, my favorite skincare/beauty item to receive, and let's face it, my mom would love to have these gifted to her, are...

The glow pads for body and face.

These pads make you look tan.


I've tried everything and every year, I get sucked back into creams and lotions and then every year, I just throw in the towel, buy these wipes and have a great little faux-tan.  The face wipes I uses year around, but the body towels, I only use during the spring/early summer.  You open up the box, pull out a packet, open it, remove the baby wipe type towel and then rub it all of yourself...and then the next morning, you're tan.  I always take a shower, dry off, apply a tanning towel, wait about 3 or 4 minutes for it to dry and then put my pjs on.  The next morning, tan.  Legit tan.  These are AMAZING.  Like, the Dr. Gross people should get me to be their spokesperson...I'd make them billions ;).

So, those are a few of my favorite little skincare/scent products to give or receive for Mother's Day.  I'm going to share more stuff next week, and don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter below! 
 One lucky winner will receive a $300 Nordstrom gift card for their favorite mama!

On Wednesday, I got to spend the day with my favorite kindergartner at the aquarium for their field trip!


Smith had been looking forward to this day for such a long time, and I'm happy to say that it lived up to his expectations!  Hooray for field trips! 

I have the perfect recipe for you on my foodie blog today...

Oh friends, you need to check this recipe out.  

Sunday is May 1st and we're kicking off our Every Day in May challenge (read more about it here).  I thought we should just go ahead and rip the band-aid off...how about we kick off May 1st without any caffeine?  

I know!!! 

I'm upset already!  

Let's be honest...there is no way we can do that on a Monday, so let's just do it on a Sunday and see how we feel.  Based on your feedback, eliminating caffeine is a big goal...so let's do this.  We can make it one day friends. #ihope   And if we do, who knows?  Maybe we'll attempt it on Monday too?  #doubtful

Leave or read the suggestions here.

Have the best weekend!  See you guys on Monday!